
Week K | Apartment Hunting

Frantically searching for apartments wasn't on the top of my list of things to do during the instructional break, but there I was calling apartment manager after apartment manager to find availability for June 1st. To give some context, I started looking for apartments in anticipation for my July 12th start date with Target at the beginning of March. I had it narrowed down to a couple, and when I tried to reach out to them, they said I would have to wait until April 1st in order for them to know availability in June. There was one apartment complex I really liked, with great reviews and a good location. However, I discovered a few days earlier that they only had two apartments available, both of which were somewhat out of my price range. They also had special discounts that, in order to take advantage of, I needed to tour and then apply within 48 hours.

So started my frantic search for availability at the other apartments I was looking at. Calculating estimated costs left me a bit astounded as all the places had parking for $100 to $150 a month(they all have fancy underground heated garages). Not to mention other extra costs such as utilities and renters insurance. Suddenly I was thrown into the real world where everything was so much more expensive than living in college apartments.

Needless to say, I was pretty stressed out yesterday trying to figure everything out. Now I'm just waiting for managers to get back to me and to be able to virtually tour some apartments. I know in the long term this isn't really a big deal--if I don't like it somewhere I can just move out after a year. But it feels like I need to start my life after college on the right foot, and somehow finding that perfect apartment is tied to that.

Other than apartment hunting, I did take a break from school work to watch some movies and TV shows. I finally finished the bucket hat I started to embroider, painted a bit, and worked on some personal digital art. I also was able to get my first vaccine shot at the Schott this past Wednesday. I can't believe that we're so close to the end of the semester, and I definitely want to finish out strong! Hopefully within the next few weeks, I'll be able to figure out my apartment situation, and I can start looking forward to my life after college!